Social Media Marketing for LI Businesses

Jodi Crisci, Owner/Social Media Marketing Specialist at NewOnLongIsland, will discuss how small and medium-sized businesses can expand their target audience reach by using prove

How do Entrepreneurs Define Success?

Our panel is comprised of successful entrepreneurs who have mastered their own definition of success. Each has confronted obstacles and devised solutions to overcome them, and t

Intergenerational Communication

Whether you are a Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer or Traditionalist, research shows that the more we learn about each other and the way we are comfortable communicating, the more

Know Your Numbers!

You had a fabulous idea and now you’re on the go!
As an entrepreneur, growing your business, selling, buying, keeping it moving; you can do it all and y

Maximize Exhibits with Email Campaigns

To get the most exposure and have a successful showcase at an Expo, you need a well thought out marketing campaign. This includes email touchpoints before, during AND after the

SBDC Farmingdale Helps Build Women Businesses

The best kept secret in business!

Learn how the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) can support your business. BA Stacé Hansen will go over some of the challenge

Speed-Networking 2019

Make a Date to meet your next best client and some new colleagues at the highly anticipated and always enjoyable SCWBEC Speed Networking. Be sure you don’t miss this exciting