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Welcome to SCWBEC, a resource for women-owned businesses and professionals.

SCWBEC is a not-for-profit 501 (C) 3 supported through fundraising events and sponsorships. Members receive a monthly newsletter and have many opportunities to promote their business through sponsorship, networking and membership meetings.  We also offer a $2,000 award every year to a qualifying member!

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Upcoming Events


Women's Health & Wellness Panel

An enlightening discussion aimed to empower and educate women on the importance of taking care of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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Meeting Sponsor

Felicia Kasow, Pure mammography

570 smithaven mall, Lake grove , NY - 11755 (516) 473-7688 [email protected]

Pure Mammography is simple. They make potentially life-saving mammograms hassle-free, convenient, and relaxing so that woman never have a reason to miss their annual exam. It is very simple NO prescription needed, NO appointment, Spa environment and NO out of pocket expense! With a very warm and caring staff. Pure operates on mall hours, including weekends and and evenings.

Professional Workshops

You have your MWBE… NOW WHAT?

Presented by Ree Wackett,  Senior  Business Advisor, Small Business Development Center Stony Brook. Please Note: The Workshops are being held the morning of the Annual SHOWCASE at the Piermont. You must RSVP.

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Upcoming Events