Even the most effective selling strategies will have minimal impact when applied to opportunities that don’t deserve the time and effort. By being more selective about whom yo
Even the most effective selling strategies will have minimal impact when applied to opportunities that don’t deserve the time and effort. By being more selective about whom yo
Are you making the most of your 60 seconds in the spotlight? Clients, potential customers and business associates will make determinations about your competence and confidence b
Luncheon Honoree: Terri Alessi-Miceli, President & CEO of HIA-LI
Buy you l
The Program will address techniques to prevent infections from common viruses, spyware, adware and malware. We will also discuss how to limit exposure while reading email and se
Jodi Crisci, Owner/Social Media Marketing Specialist at NewOnLongIsland, will discuss how small and medium-sized businesses can expand their target audience reach by using prove