Aloha Summer Social

Dress to impress… Wear your best Aloha outfit! Full Cash Bar. Light Hors d'oeuvres will be served.

August Monthly Meeting

Access to Capital for SMBs, Presenter: Gina Hill Slater Parker, President & CEO, Long Island Development Corporation (LIDC)

Access to Capital for SMBs

Gina Hill Slater Parker, President & CEO, Long Island Development Corporation (LIDC), the Long Island region’s leading business development finance agency, will be sharing

September Monthly Meeting

Installation of the SCWBEC Board of Directors for the 2023/2024 term and ceremony to recognize our sponsors.

Empowering Knowledge on Gynecologic Cancers

Join us for an insightful session led by Dr. Angelica M. Hernandez, MD, where we will explore the intricacies of the four prevalent gynecologic cancers: Breast, Uterine, Ovarian

You have your MWBE… NOW WHAT?

Presented by Lauren Linakis, SBDC Farmingdale.
Please Note: The Workshops are being held the morning of the Annual SHOWCASE at the Piermont. You must RSVP.

SCWBEC Annual Sponsor Showcase & Luncheon

Sponsor SHOWCASE & Luncheon

Early Bird Luncheon Price: $68 | After Sept 18: $75
The cut off to purchase Luncheon tickets and SHOWCASE Sponsorships is October 7

November Monthly Meeting

Presentation: What’s Blocking You? Shifting from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed. Presenter: Joan Gaffney, Founder of ShiftNova Coaching & Advisory