Time Mastery: A simple technique to help control it before it controls you
Presenter : Kiki Orski, Peak Performance Consulting
In this 20-minute presentation, the Presenter will focus on a critical component of time mastery: understanding the difference between ‘urgent and important’. Distinguishing between these two will free participants from the constant pull of crisis and the drag of trivial work, both of which rob them of time and distract from focusing on the most important things;, the things that bring business, money and results.
Participants will leave with:
- A thorough understanding of the difference between urgent and important as it relates to the use of their time
- A simple matrix for determining urgent vs. important matters
- A simple phrase to help reduce the amount of time spent on requests that distract from their own important work.
Kiki Orski MBA,RN is an experienced Performance Improvement Consultant with over 17 years of coaching and leadership training experience. Kiki trains leaders to achieve greater results by improving relationships with all stakeholders. She also coaches clients on how to work more effectively with their leadership teams, their employees and their customers to improve productivity, engagement and ultimately, profits. Her company, Peak Performance Consulting is dedicated to helping organizations develop the interpersonal, leadership and client service skills needed by any organization that strives to be an Organization of Choice with exceptional performance at every level of the organization as the goal. Her time is evenly distributed among small group workshops, training seminars and one-on-one coaching.