July Workshop: The Art of Negotiation

Why the Art of Negotiation, Why Not the Science?
- Have you ever negotiated with a car sales person, a family member or a client, and felt you could have done better?
- When you think of negotiation, what comes to mind?
- Is it two sides debating without expressing emotion by simply adding and subtracting figures and terms?
- Or is the exact opposite true?
- Does emotion play a crucial role in obtaining your desired results?
Learn how you can improve your negotiation skills!
Presenter : Rosemarie Kluepfel, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp
Rosemarie is a NYS Licensed Mortgage Originator under the supervision of the NYS Dept. of Financial Services, specializing in residential mortgages. She has written several articles on the subject and has facilitated workshops for perspective buyers, real estate agents and industry related organizations. Rosemarie is also a New York Department of State Approved Real estate Instructor, Certified Military Housing specialist and Long Island Board of Realtors® Instructor. She is the Community Liaison for the Fairway Foundation the 501c3 arm of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp.
Rosemarie is a speaker and writer, assisting in the improvement of employee, client, or organizational behavior by offering an unique perspective that promotes positive growth through a shift of attitude, use of creativity, effective communication, and defined accountability. Rosemarie is a member of the Long Island Speaker’s Bureau and the 2018 Toastmaster International District 46 Conference Chair.